Draggable Component in React Native
Two examples of Draggable Components(Boxes) in React Native. They are from the official documentation, and support web, iOS, and Android.
- Drag and Stay from PanResponder API
- Drag with Spring Back from Animated.ValueXY API
Using the Native Driver
needs to be explicitly specified.
In the above code, it is newly added in Animated.spring
and Animated.event
. Moreover, Animated.event
’s second argument config
is required, and therefore newly added to remove the regarding error.
The problem is, pan.getLayout()
does not support useNativeDriver: true
. It will cause the following warning. Therefore, pan.getLayout()
in the original code has been replaced by pan.getTranslateTransform()
, as guided in this React Native issue.
Style property 'left' is not supported by native animated module
Similarly, pan.getLayout()
does not support useNativeDriver: true
. It will cause the below warning. Therefore, config
’s useNativeDriver
is set as false
, as guided in this React Native issue.
config.onPanResponderMove is not a function
This post was originally posted at 2020–09–28.